Still 5 More Cheap Props

Cheap and Easy Smash Cake Photography Props

It really felt like as soon as I was done with the last post about cheap and easy props, I’d already created my next list. Some of these ideas are specific to the photography theme you’re using, some of them work great on the “color on color on color” sets (what we’re calling single color sets, i.e. everything is purple or teal) and some are just great for an extra easy picture that every mother must have. We both know that mom needs that picture of their little pumpkin staring at their reflection in the mirror.

In an industry where an extra picture is $50 - $150, these photography prop photos add up to real money, fast. So, grab a cup of coffee and a sketch pad, and consider these for your next smash cake theme - they’ll help you round out your idea. And your paycheck.

1) Tree branches & logs

Tree branches from your yard or your neighbors are $0 cash. You need poles in aspen or birch for lighter/brighter sets, and darker branches for woodland sets. Yes, you can order tree branches and have them shipped to you, but you might as well get them for free and have a day outdoors. And, while you’re out there, why not pick up some pinecones too?

Photo Credit: Leilini Rogers

Photo Credit: Leilini Rogers

2) Empty Frames

Empty frames, often whitewashed, are an easy, cheap addition to your prop portfolio. We’d recommend solid frames starting around 16” x 20”. You want them solid enough that they aren’t going to come apart. Find ones that are heavy enough your baby can’t fling it around, but won’t actually hurt them. You can buy frames in random colors at yard sales and second hand stores for almost no money.

3) Mirror

Just like the frames a mirror is another “have to have” style portrait. I’d advise you choose one or the other for each shoot - too many shots like these make your session feel prop heavy, but you can even ask Mom which she prefers. It gives her ownership and buy-in and you haven’t even taken the picture yet. And if she asks for both - by all means, sell them to her.

Photo Credit: Masha Creative

Photo Credit: Masha Creative

4) Wooden Swings

When you are shooting a swing smash cake picture please always keep baby’s safety at the forefront. Have a parent standing by when you shoot these, and have the swing cut wider than normal, around 16 inches. Drill 4 ropes holes in your board for better balance.

You can also shoot the swing separately and the swing supported with the child on it, and then merge the two pictures later in Photoshop.

There are some wonderful Photoshop tutorials on how to do this on Phlearn. I can’t recommend Phlern enough.

Photo Credit: Gilmore Studios

Photo Credit: Gilmore Studios

5) Cardboard glitter Trees

So simple, pick up the cardboard trees off season or on sale, and then spray paint or roll them in glitter. You can even mix glitter colors to make your own tones.

You can also wrap them in lace, ribbons or heavy yarn. Watch the DIY section, we’ll be posting a video on how to do that later.

More blogs to read:
5 Cheap and Easy Props
5 MORE Cheap and Easy Props

What haven’t I thought of? What do you DIY or buy on the cheap? We always want to hear - drop us a line!

- Clare